• Fried Rice
  • Combination Noodle Soup
  • Roast Chicken Over Rice

Cheng Heng

About us

Welcome to Cheng Heng Restaurant – a vibrant culinary haven that brings the flavors and traditions of Cambodia to your plate. At Cheng Heng, we take pride in offering an authentic Cambodian dining experience, where each dish tells a story of our rich heritage and deep-rooted family values.

As a family-run establishment, we infuse every aspect of Cheng Heng with the warmth and unity that only a close-knit family can provide. From the heartwarming smiles that greet you at the door to the recipes that have been cherished and perfected within our family, you'll experience the essence of Cambodia with every bite.

Whether you're a seasoned traveler looking to reminisce about your time in Cambodia or a curious food lover eager to explore new tastes, Cheng Heng Cambodian Cuisine welcomes you with open arms and a menu full of authentic flavors. Join us in celebrating the magic of Cambodia, brought to life through the dedication of a woman-owned, family-run establishment.